Baptisms can only occur after baptismal preparation has been completed.
Baptisms 2025 for families. Currently, our parish does not accept private requests for Baptism. Your date choice must be confirmed by our parish office via return email. Please see other information that requires your attention. 3 families at each Baptism date.
Sunday January 5th Baptismal prep session Sunday January 12th Baptism Sunday January 19th Baptism
Sunday February 2nd Baptismal prep session Sunday February 16th Baptism Sunday February 23rd Baptism
Sunday March 2nd Baptismal prep session No Baptisms during Lent (Sunday 8th March – Sunday 19th April)
Sunday April 20th is Easter Sunday – we welcome a baby to be baptised during Easter Sunday 9am Mass.
May 2025 dates and beyond to be confirmed.
+ From Fr Francis …Choosing Godparents. What is required of parents who ask or present their infant to be baptised is that there is a founded hope that the infant will be brought up or raised in the Catholic faith. Having and choosing the godparent or sponsor is crucial in the establishment of this hope. Baptismal Godparent is the person you choose to assist in your role of fostering the Catholic faith of the child. The Canon Law of the Church does not require that parents be themselves baptised for the infant to be presented for baptism, only that the godparent or godparents are. What this means is that the godparent or godparents you choose would need to be a fully initiated Catholic – baptised, confirmed and has received or been receiving Holy Communion. It is not a requirement for parents to submit their baptismal certificates, only that they give permission for the baptism to take place. What is required is a copy of the baptismal certificate of the godparent or godparents. If a copy is available, submit this together with the other forms required. If not available, godparents can easily contact the parish or church where they were baptised and request a copy of their baptismal certificate (printed or soft copy). Parish offices always receive this sort of request. Please have this before you move on to our Baptismal journey with you.
Baptismal preparation - Our Sacramental Team is offering a baptismal preparation in our church - SEE DATES in the bookings page above. Email [email protected] that you are available. Baptisms can only occur after the baptismal preparation has been completed. After the Baptismal preparation, your family has the...
Welcoming Rite - Presentation of your child to our parish community a week or 2 before the Baptism at a mass that is convenient to your family (Saturday Vigil 6pm; Sunday 7am or 9am). This information is placed on the baptismal form so that we can inform our parish priests to expect you.
Baptismal Liturgy after Sunday 9am mass at 10.30am (to be attended by baptismal parents; baby; godparents; family & friends). You are cordially invited to the 9am mass if this fits in with your schedule.
As parents, you rightly rejoice in the birth of your child. God has blessed you with the precious gift of a child and now you want nothing short of the best for him or her. In requesting your child for Baptism, you are formally requesting his/her entry into God's family. The local Christian community or parish is God's family as far as each of us is concerned. Hence, it is fitting that the baptism of your child should take place in your own parish church with as many people as possible present to welcome the new Christian.
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, your child will become a child of God and a sharer in his life. Baptism marks the beginning of this new life. It is the first step. At the very beginning of the ceremony, you will be addressed as follows: Parents, you have asked to have your child baptised. In doing so, you are accepting a responsibility for training this child in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring the child up to keep God's commandments, as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour. Do you understand clearly what you are undertaking?
The decision to have your baby baptised must come only after serious consideration. Why? Baptism does not end once the celebration is over. Nor, as we have seen above, is baptism something which pertains to the child alone: the parents are involved. It is through them that the child will come to know the love of God. It is through them that the child will learn to go beyond the family circle and become involved with the larger community.
Choosing Godparents Often here, culture is taken into account: for some, it is a deep and life-long bond, for others merely a passing honour. During the ceremony, the godparents are asked: "Are you ready to help these parents in their duties as Christian parents?" No shallow question ... no small responsibility. In choosing, you are looking for a mature member of the Catholic Church, one who has received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and has attained the age of 16 years.
It ought to be:
that at least one Catholic godparent is nominated
that this Catholic godparent sends a copy of their baptismal certificate to our parish office
that the godparent(s) be present so that they can make their commitment publicly
that they be examples to the child of what Christian life is.
Parents and Godparents, keep the flame of faith alive in the heart of your child and when the Lord comes, may you go out to meet Him. (Final exhortation in the Rite of Baptism)